Why I Chose Ophthalmology & How You Should Decide Which Speciality to Pursue

  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post author:Muhammad Saad Asghar
  • Post category:Article

I was never that person who came into medical school knowing exactly what sort of specialist I wanted to be. I began this journey knowing that the feeling I got in knowing exactly what to do during someone’s time of illness, was something I could chase all my life. On first entering medical university, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of specialties to which one could dedicate their entire life. This concern of mine had to take a backseat though, as the demands of basic sciences studies took over my entire time soon thereafter. At my university, the first 2 years were dedicated to covering Basic Medical Sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, among others. Even though these 2 years did give me a good idea about what sort of basic sciences are involved in specialties like Cardiology, Neurology, or Pulmonology, I did not find myself gravitating towards any specialty.

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The State of Undergraduate Ophthalmology Teaching

  • Reading time:9 mins read
  • Post author:Mussa Adil Butt
  • Post category:Article

The importance of ophthalmic knowledge for physicians to prevent visual loss and disability for their patients is clear. However, as the ophthalmology field becomes more isolated from the rest of medicine, this is reflected in the diminishing allocation given to ophthalmic teaching in undergraduate education. The direct impact is a lack of confidence of physicians to deal with ophthalmic problems and therefore an inability to protect the sight of their patients’.

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