Eye-Si Simulation: An Overview

Rubia Akhtar

The Eye-Si is a surgical simulator used in ophthalmic training to help build trainees familiarity and proficiency in intra-ocular surgical techniques. It provides a safe environment to polish and refine surgical techniques prior to approaching patients in the theatre.

The Eye-Si simulator is available to use prior to ophthalmic training as an undergraduate and postgraduate in various training centres across the country. The Royal college of ophthalmologists website (available here) details a comprehensive list of simulators available in centres across the UK. The website also allows booking of the simulator at the Royal College location in London. Alternatively, you can book a simulator session through contacting the Ophthalmology department in your local hospitals.

For doctors applying to Ophthalmology specialty training, the Eye-Si simulator is an ideal way to easily achieve 1 point in the portfolio under the ‘Commitment to Speciality’ section. Evidence of 4 hours of simulation is required to achieve this point, which can be downloaded from the simulator.

The simulator itself if composed of a specialised ‘mannequin head’ connected to a microscope and screen that projects your movements to an adjacent monitor, allowing a supervisor to visualise your movements. It can also be used during training in various sessions such as situational awareness training with a ‘theatre team’ to help trainees practice their communication, interpersonal and shared decision-making skills in tailored environments such as medical emergencies.

Using the Eye-Si Simulator sounds much harder than it actually is; get in touch with your local schools to locate a simulator near you and get started with getting a feel of what ST-training and being an ophthalmologist is like!

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