Maxillary Division Shingles – A Diagnostic Conundrum

  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post author:Yusuf Abdallah, Simon Madge
  • Post category:Article

Varicella-zoster virus commonly causes shingles in the elderly population. Atypical presentations require astute knowledge of the distribution pattern of the nerve affected and a thorough history and systemic examination to allow diagnosis. We present a rare case of maxillary division shingles with ocular manifestations in a 71-year-old woman post cataract operation.

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An Introduction to Intravitreal Injections

  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post author:Mohammad Ihsan Fazal
  • Post category:Article

Intravitreal injection is the delivery of a drug via needle directly into the vitreous humour. This is useful in conditions where there is retinal oedema such as in wet AMD, diabetic macular oedema, or retinal vein occlusion. In these conditions, drugs such as Anti-VEGF or corticosteroids are injected intravitreally.

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Taking an Ophthalmic History

  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post author:Bilal Abou el ela Bourquin
  • Post category:Article

Doctors and allied health professionals are often presented with patients who complain of an issue with their eye. Many professionals do not feel confident taking an accurate and comprehensive ophthalmic history. Learning how to take a good history has several benefits.

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