Case Report: Ocular Complications Secondary to Panuveitis Management

  • Reading time:12 mins read
  • Post author:Sajad Hussain and Normal Litvin
  • Post category:Article

Uveitis is an umbrella term that refers to inflammation of the uveal tract and adjacent structures of the eye, which can be infectious or non-infectious in aetiology. Uveitis can be classified as anterior, intermediate, posterior, or panuveitis based on the anatomical location of the inflammation in the eye. Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the iris and ciliary body and is the most common form of uveitis. Intermediate uveitis is defined as inflammatory cells in the vitreous humour. Posterior uveitis is defined as inflammation of the retina/choroid (choroiditis, chorioretinitis, retinitis) and panuveitis is inflammation of all three parts of the uvea, i.e. the anterior chamber, vitreous humour, and choroid or retina.

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